
How does the divine appear? In what manner is the spirit revealed? Elijah was a man just like us . Manifestations of divine power and spirit were revealed in awe and wonder; rain shut up in brought down. How then is He revealed to us? Say to the redeemed... "be strong, do not fear, your God will come." Where then is he who set his Holy Spirit among them? Look into the faces of whom you share the word of life. Gaze into the window of their soul. Can you not see the light of glory dance in their eyes? Is not the radiance of Him evident in their countenance? Hear the voices of the redeemed as they ramp up a chorus of praise. Can you not peer into the heavenly realms and see the Lord of glory...high and lifted up? As a beast senses the spirit of a person, the spirit knows the heart of a man. A seeker finds. The hungry are filled. Those wanting are satisfied. Does He not appear to the poor in spirit? Bless...