A Light Shining In A Dark Place

Love the Lord God with all your Heart. Soul. Mind. Body. Strength.
Mark 12:30

My goal for this blog is to discuss how we can be an effective
witness for the Lord Jesus Christ in the workplace. Some of our recent
literature can lead one to believe that intellectual superiority will
silence the critics. I'm a strong believer that wisdom, knowledge, and
understanding is a valuable tool and strengthens your faith but
insufficient in overcoming the darkness. Darkness has a remedy. LIGHT!

A lighthouse stands alone. When the light shines, it can be seen
for miles and miles. A city on a hill consist of many lights but it's
a beacon all the same. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither can
a lighthouse.
In contrast darkness is the opposite of light. They can be side by
side, like the workplace, but it's impossible for them to fill up the
same space.

Think about that in refrence to our place as believers in this
vast world of piercing darkness.

As the Lord plants our lives in the market place of the world we
learn quickly that our Christian light is often not recieved as the
friendly neighborhood lighthouse. Some vocations are inherrantly
prejudiced against a judeo christiian believer showing up on their
doorstep. Entire industries can have the apperance of being completely
hijacked by a cynical pop culture that opposes Christianity. Skeptics
are everywhere, like darkness.

Gods rightful place is in the human heart. In Him was life and His
life was the light of men. But...men loved darkness because their
deeds are evil.

Sounds like enemy warefare. Well, it is but the weapons of our
warfare are not of this world and our adversaries are more of a
spiritual variety than physical. The bible declares that many live as
"enemies of the cross", Philippians 3:18. Maybe even without thought
or intention the direction of their life is a complete contradiction
of everthing that Christ represents. We live in the midst of this
daily. Enemies of Christ is as old as time itself and will even
increase with time.

The message for the child of God is to be salt and light.

I may not be an intellectual, but I love God and He loves me. The
more I love Him I discover more of Him I love and it keeps growing and
growing. Eventually my entire mind body soul and strength loves Him.
His light radiates through me. When I think of strength I think of
work. When my work reflects my love for Him that's when my light is at
it's full capacity.

When a light shines bright, darkness has no place to hide. It's
defensless to light. So let your light shine before men.

Its good to be smart but intellectualism will not capture the
hearts of a lost world. Nurturing the children of God to LOVE the Lord
with all their heart, soul, mind, body, and strength will draw those
from darkness into His marvelous light.




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