Call it the aquaffect! Stay with me as I explain.
Human suffering in the world today is immense. On top of that, there are more people alive today than have ever died making our present day indeed the valley of decision.
Joel 3:14
Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision.
The day of the Lord, as Joel phrased it, continues in a complex, confused, and anxious world in which we call home. Never before in the history of time has there been such a profound need for Christ. The degradation of society has plummeted to levels that are beyond comprehension. Spend some time viewing current documentaries and you'll discover degrees of depravity that you never imagined.
Sadly, public confidence in spiritual matters of faith and God have suffered. It's not surprising. As the toll of end times events ratchet up, cynicism will increase.
Christ is the hope of the world. The Aquaffect is you and me giving a cup of cold water in Jesus name. Its the old saying that people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.
What am I doing to help relieve the oppressed? How can I lift up the fallen? Where is my compassion for the afflicted? Are you and I touched with the feelings of their infirmities?
Through acts of compassion we open doors for the good news. The ACTS are critical today. The conduit for the gospel is our love for others especially in suffering.
Its vintage Christ. Imagine a situation of the most desperate level of human indignity and He would be there. May our Lord find us there. Compassionate, with a cup of water, in His name.
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