Chock Full O' Nuts

Some thing's  only come when inspired by strong brew and soft acoustics. Hence, the title of my blog page.

I wonder if we'll have coffee in heaven? Why not. He blessed us with it here. I can just imagine meeting Job at the corner java hut. He'll have an espresso, I would imagine. 

You know John Mayer started his career in a bistro/coffee house. Playing tricky ballads and wooing young audiences. Just thought that was interesting. 

My mother is to blame for my obsession with early brew in the morning sunshine. Even as a youngster, according to her, I would down her cup of Joe if she left it unattended.
Coffee was the beverage always served at the Thomas abode. When my mother got up in age she switched to decaf. We branded her as a traitor to the forty weight club. 

The Cadillac of Christmas gifts from my family was a Stanley thermos. I still have mine. Somewhere. 
I once spent a week in Rio drinking Brazilian espresso. My bloodstream was toxic for 6 months.

  Ecclesiastes 8:15 (The Message)

 15 So, I'm all for just going ahead and having a good time—the best possible. The only earthly good men and women can look forward to is to eat and drink well and have a good time—compensation for the struggle for survival these few years God gives us on earth.

Bet you've never read that before from the Message.
It implies taking time to see the joy of life as we serve Him. What do we learn from scripture...? Life's hard; life's short; life's tricky and unfair; life's full of breathtaking summits and heartbreaking valleys.
The life you define for yourself is measured not by triumphs or tragedies! It's defined by your ability to enjoy the NOW, in light of all life's thrown at you.
Finding Him... in all His blessings... in what you do! This is the day the Lord... You know the verse. Look at it anew!

Psalm 118:24 (The Message)

      We rub our eyes—we can hardly believe it!
   This is the very day God acted—
      let's celebrate and be festive!
   Salvation now, God. Salvation now!
      Oh yes, God—a free and full life!

I'm not suggesting that carefree is the key. It's in being free to... enjoy, every good and perfect gift.
Salvation is free....Starbucks is expensive. ..but refills are "FityCent". ;) 



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