Its All In A Days Work

Have you ever spent time thinking about Jesus' daily routine? What was His plan or agenda for each day? Did He think about where He would sleep or eat? How about a checklist? Did our Lord have a day planner? For at least three and a half years Christ lived everyday in almost identical 24 hour fashion. His agenda was consistent with basically ONE plan of action. He was a working man and each day He picked right up where the previous day had ended. He had ONE objective, ONE endeavor. Are you ready for it? Here it is...Pleasing God! To say that Christ was in tune with His heavenly father would be an understatement. Mark 1:35 (Message) While it was still night, way before dawn, he got up and went out to a secluded spot and prayed. Jesus began each days work with, "which way today Father...who today Father... tell me what to say Father." Jesus walked in such profound yet childlike harmony with God that on a number of occasions the voice of God was audibly ...