The Aroma of Christ

2 Corinthians 2:15 (NIV)

For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.

I love the smell of new lotions and perfumes. Whenever I'm able to shop at my favorite store, I get overwhelmed with anticipation. New fragrances, new scents, and fresh aromas always give me an ultimate satisfaction. One of life's simple pleasures.

God called us to be the aroma of Christ.
We come into contact with multitudes of people in our daily lives. From friends, co-workers, to new acquaintances, our paths crisscross through the maze of those who have never caught the scent of a Savior, the sweet aroma of Christ.

As I take in the pleasure of a new fragrance, I capture a moment that leaves an impression.
When we encounter others, they too should capture a pleasing moment. "What is that your wearing?" is a common refrain. So too the essence of Christ should create a desire from within.

When we part, they should be left with the satisfaction of something new and fresh. A luring scent that brings them into your walk with HIM.  The aroma of Christ.
Its a fragrance of love, acceptance, generosity, and forgiveness.  Perhaps they may ask, "Where do you get that?" The pleasing aroma of Jesus.

Not curt...harsh...or brash
But lingering...longing...and lasting.

-  Angie                      


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