GODS Disaster Relief

Matthew 5:4
Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.

Dr Bowen shared this verse with me early this morning. It was the
daily verse sent to his iPhone. When he read it he said his thoughts
went to me and the chaplain service.

The verse stuck in my head all day. I began to look for expressions of
the verse in patients I visited.

The promise of the verse was occurring all around me. God was meeting
the mournful in multiple places, in diverse ways, on many levels.

The reality of this promise drove home with me when Dr. Rickard stopped me
in the hall to ask if I would see one of her patients. She shared about a patient that had been denied a life saving transplant. She explained that when she discussed this information with him, as you might expect, he erupted into tears and a host of human emotion.
A few hours later I was sitting with this patient listening to his life's story. Moments later, I witnessed him give his life to Christ. Instantly his countenance was changed not to mention his heart!

The oil of gladness for mourning.

In my years of ministry I've never seen as much immediate response from God
to the mournful as I'm seeing now. I'm certain He's doing this
throughout the world. From Haiti to Africa. From Bethesda hospital to the VA.

The Word of God is living and like a seed. Scripture says that often
times when the seed falls on fertile soil, Satan comes and robs the
seed before it takes root. When the mournful cry out, it's as if the
Angels of heaven stand guard and watch over the seed until the servant
that waters and the laborer that harvest arrives. God meets those that
mourn because of the divine passion of their plea.

Psalm 51
17 My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit;
a broken and contrite heart
you, God, will not despise.

God has his own rapid respond team and you and I certainly play a role
as servants on duty. Remember, our teacher was a man of sorrows and
aquainted with grief.

Matthew 12:20
20 A bruised reed he will not break,
and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out,
till he has brought justice through to victory.



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