Our Father who art in heaven...

We've heard many definitions of prayer. Some are good and helpful. Others attempt to give a "feel good" idea about prayer but miss the mark. We've all heard some of these expressions... Prayer changes things. Prayer is not about changing God, it's about changing you. Prayer is spiritual breathing, (I'm still raising an eyebrow on this one). We host prayer walks, conferences, prayer retreats, and even seminars on mechanics and posture. Prayer has been investigated, digested, examined, probed and reexamined again. At times we take a simple matter and parse it and break it apart too much. I would like to step aside from all the important scholarly work on the subject of prayer and share 3 very simple insights; principles I've learned from my pastor, other prayer warriors, and personal experience. 1. Prayer is...asking and receiving. When I counsel others who are new in faith they often present some issue or reoccurring problem hangi...