Baptist Medical and Dental Fellowship: Japan Update

From BMDF's Executive Director:
Dear Members and Friends of BMDF,

I know that you are praying for the Japanese people in the midst of this terrible disaster. Please keep this going! We received the following updates from Baptist Global Response (BGR) over the weekend.

We have not received reports from BWAid or CBF yet; but, you can check their websites for their current responses at:

" Just wanted to update you on what is happening in Japan and BGR's/Southern Baptists' response in Japan…
  1. The Southern Baptist State Disaster Relief Network is on alert and three states are on standby: Alabama, California, and South Carolina.
  2. BGR (and IMB)  have "pre-approved" the release of $100,000 for assistance. This will grow as donations arrive.
  3. The BGR website is updated with a story about steps that have been made to help. IMB has their website updated as well. (See below for BGR link to the Japan work)
  4. BGR has an on-ground assessment team in Tokyo right now. One is an IMB mid-level leader and one is a Disaster Response specialist.
  5. BGR and IMB have key partners in Tokyo through Tokyo Baptist Church and the Japan Baptist Convention. Communications have arrived from both and BGR is working closely with them to help.
  6. All IMB company personnel are accounted for and fine. BGR also has an initial report from the Japanese Baptist Convention that their churches and people are fine as well.
  7. During the Kobe earthquake a few years ago, the Japanese government refused any outside help. BGR suspects this may be the same. It is not likely that BGR will be able to use large teams of Southern Baptists  to respond. However, it is likely that BGR will be able to respond through support, training and other resources for our Baptist partners there; much like during the Chile earthquake.
  8. The BGR assessment team is having one more round of meetings with Japan Baptist Convention and a plan should be in place soon. It is unclear how many outside people/teams can be mobilized; but, initial indications are that, through churches and other relationships there, BGR will be mobilizing…
                            Funds for projects
                            Some clean up/mud out teams
                            Feeding teams (training Japanese brothers and sisters in mass feeding and care)
                            Medical/health care teams (probably working through churches close to the affected areas but not too close to the nuclear hazard areas)
                            Trauma counseling

BGR has also asked the Emeritus network of former Japanese missionaries in the USA for help in translation as teams begin to respond.

You can look at initial info on the BGR website.

Blessings. Pray for Japan.
Jeff Palmer"


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