Act of Kindness

Vs. 19  "Let me run..."
Absalom was despised by all Judah. Because of his rebellion, brother fought against brother in a senseless and brutal civil war. To the generals on the battlefield, the prince was the enemy, but to David, the enemy was his beloved son. Unavoidable judgement had come upon Absalom and what needed to be done...was done. 

Davids unfailing love was so intense that even in the final crush of the enemy, David attempted to argue clemency for his tyrant amoral son. The love of a father for his son needs no apology or explanation. Absalom was bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh.

The young priest Ahimaaz had witnessed this heart wrenching warfare up close. Maybe Ahimaaz had a son and identified with Davids inner strife or perhaps he at one time had befriended Absalom. Whatever the case, Ahimaaz rushed to King Davids side, out pacing the official messenger. His heart strings guided him and made him swift afoot. En route to his King, he rehearsed what needed to be said...and what didn't.  

Colossians 4:6 Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt...

What appears to be foolhardy and impulsive was actually a daring act of courage and love. He knew David would be drenched with sorrow. His aim was to love on David before news of Absalom reached his ears. Scripture reveals that Ahimaaz had a Godly reputation. The Cushite knelled before Joab but Ahimaaz bowed before the King as he offered up praise to the Lord God; an insignificant gesture to some, but one that set the tenor for Davids inevitable grief. As Ahimaaz turned his face toward the earth, his words turned the face of David toward heaven. A selfless act of kindness and gentleness; sounds like something Jesus would do. 

Don't you want to be that kind of an encouragement? Bowels of compassion in search of a broken heart. 

Lord, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers (Gal.6:10)



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