World Changers

 Judges 2:10-11  After that whole generation had been gathered to their ancestors, another generation grew up who knew neither the LORD nor what he had done for Israel. 11 Then the Israelites did evil in the eyes of the LORD and served the Baals.

Talking to a young girl the other day opened my eyes to the generation gap that impacts our culture and the church. She was 13 and listening to music on her MP3. I ask her about the kind of music she liked and after we talked a while it was clear that she had never heard of Coldplay and Bocelli and I had never heard of her groups. We talked a little more about faith and related things and the gap grew even wider.

Music, media, entertainment, technology, and so on has changed dramatically. Just a simple task like filling up at the pump is a challenge for some. Time has changed things because people change. Sports legends and movie stars give way to a new generation of the young and talented. A friend said to me that he believed local libraries will close in the near future. With wikipedia and the Internet...trends have shifted.  If a person was waking up today from a ten year coma they would struggle to find something familiar.

Have you considered what God is up to in this ever changing world to reach this generation with the Gospel?  How does the message of the cross stay relevant today? I don't know the answer but part of the mystery is in the living word of God. The need for love, forgiveness, and reconciliation is relevant in every generation. The only hope of this continues to rest in the Lord Jesus Christ.

God is reaching the youth of this world in methods foreign to many; but the message is still Christ and the cross. God...we have heard of your fame, we stand in awe of your deeds...renew them in our day! (Hab.3:2)


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