
My writing has always had seasons; times of planting and times of harvest. Lately, it has been a season of drought.

Honestly, I have considered placing Strong Coffee on the shelf for a while and pursue ministry in other forms such as church planting.

Strong Coffee has been as important to me as it has for many of you; holding me accountable and driving me to the Word. For this I am very grateful and blessed for how God continues to work in mysterious ways.

SC helped me tell my story of grace and therefor...led me in the path of healing and spiritual growth. Isn't it awesome how Gods loves us? Countless times I was ready to throw in the towel but God would tell me,

"before you do...WRITE about it"

See what He was doing? It took me years to notice it. Oh how He is sooo awesome and good!!!

So...pray that I will see His plan and purpose for what is next. Whether it is to retire the devotional blog SC, or catalog it all for publication or...whatever. Pray for my understanding.

Please do this one thing for yourself and your walk in Christ; Read and re-read The Royal Road Of The Holy Cross. The tab is just above this post. Never before have I sensed the power and inspiration of the Holy Spirit in writing. You will find seven days of understanding to the words of Christ;

"If anyone comes after me they must first deny themselves, take up their cross and follow me."

Prayerfully read and study them. Buckle up...because if you do this, your life will never be the same.

Until next time...blessings. JMT



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