Sign of the Times

Matthew 24:12
Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold...

Their is nothing attractive about this verse. It describes an environment that is desperate, dark, and dangerous for all mankind. The bible refers to this period as "The Last Days" A period on earth surrounding the second coming of Jesus Christ.

The time is upon us, more than ever before, for the teaching of the last days to be proclaimed in all the world. Jesus calls this the season of His second coming.

When Christ first came to earth He came as the Lamb of God. When He comes the second time He will appear as the Lion of Judah.

The return of Christ will be preceded by signs or indicators. One of these signs will be the overwhelming rise of sinfulness and lawlessness. This epidemic will be so influential that even good, moral, and decent people will succumb to its power. Christians will falter and yield to Satan like puppets. News of our nations civic and religious leaders falling into sinful traps will be common. Basically...people will practice in broad daylight the shameful deeds of darkness. This and similar things are referred to as "a sign of the times"!

2 Timothy 3:1
But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come:

Do you think the time is upon us now? All would agree that our world has changed. What has changed over the decades is our definition of right and wrong.

Every right is questioned and every morality is challenged.
Their is no fear of God in the world today.

The last days are upon us. The need for Gods people to declare the coming of Christ is ripe and the urgency for belivers to heed His return is critical. The dark clouds of Noah's flood are looming and the world continues to mock God and His people. Our heavenly Father calls us to live Holy and reverant lives as we hold forth the word of light in the midst of darkness.

Let us prepare as the bride of Christ...waiting for the bridegroom to appear.
May our lamps be filled and our wicks trimmed...
and when He comes... may the Lord find us faithful.

Sent from my iPhone


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