Here He Comes

Mark 6:48...and would have passed by them. How many times have we passed Him by? Now we see where He would have passed them by, but...they cried out to Him. He saw them, straining...wrestling. The wind and waves were against them, but to Him they bow. He is Lord of all that is against us, and is touched with the feelings of our infirmities for He knows what is against us Do you know it? That's why He always comes to us. He came to me; He came to me When I could not come to where He was He came to me That’s why He died on Calvary When I could not come to where He was He came to me. He is an ever present help in time of trouble. They called unto Him. Have you called out to Him? Is He not as close as the mere mention of His name? The word is nigh thee...Lord save me. To to draw Him close. Soon, the wind and waves that once buffeted us...we walk upon. Keeping our eyes fixed on Him. The Lord is deaf to the cry of the wicked...