God works in mysterious ways

Lurking around in the dark recess of my mind has been this little
gnome like voice whispering that my future in clinical pastoring
counseling is limited.

In a soulful confession, when sainted servants face the fiery trial of
their own sin and frailty, although eventual recipients of great grace
and forgiveness, they encounter a new thorn...worthiness &
It kind of depends upon the day.

Soon, my residency will come to an end. I will apply later this spring
for the second year. After my residency, my desire is to remain in
medicine. Working closely with medical teams and patients in acute and
long term care has been very fruitful. God has worked in unspeakable
ways to bring glory to his name.

The work is unique. Through the partnership with several Christian
physicians, most importantly, Dr. Dunn, we have stretched the usual
role of chaplaincy into a a broad spiritual mission: to find those who
are hungry and thirsty for the bread of life and living water.
Spiritual healing awaits everyday. In this work, we have witnessed one
amazing testimony after another.

It's like God has placed me in the swarm of spiritual harvest; a dream
of any minister of the good news.

When my residency/fellowship concludes, I will be going in a new
direction and the where, how, when, and sometimes "what", remains to
be seen.

In the moments of uncertainty, my heart falters.
The whole worthiness & worthlessness thing starts nagging at me.

Today, I began the week with a simple prayer and request:
Psalm 86:17 Give me a sign of your goodness...

I knew that faith was the issue. Feeding my doubt is neither helpful
nor healthy. I didn't want to go all week wasting valuable time
wandering about in faithless...foolishness.

So I simply asked God for a sign of his goodness, knowing full well
that what I wanted was a road map of what He had in store for my future.

I looked all day for something or someone to do the God thing and
fulfill my request; to put me at ease.

Near the end of the day I was leaving the medical inpatient floor and
a dear friend named Bruce came up behind me and said...a God thing.
All he said was,

"John, I read a sign at church yesterday that really spoke to me. It
God is in control...
always has been...
always will be...
End of discussion"
I looked at Bruce and he repeated it again. Smiling at Bruce, I said...thank you.

Psalm 86:17 Give me a sign of your goodness



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