Christian Atheism

Christian Atheism. Is their such a thing? What does it mean? Can a
person be a Christian and an atheist at the same time?
According to Craig Groeschel, author of "The Christian Atheist", this
describes someone who believes in God but lives their life as if he
doesn't exist.

The two words in the same sentence seems awkward, but according to
Gods word, lukewarm and faith don't mix well together either.

I do know that there was a period in my life that although I professed
God, my life reflected everything BUT God.

When ask if there's one singular thing that hurts the work of the church
and the message of Gods redemption I would have to say...Christians.
Christians that profess faith in God but their lives are a complete
contradiction of Him.

It makes you wonder, as you read this, am I one of those false,
pretentious, and lukewarm professors?

I stumbled across this book (by Zondervan Press) and was at first
blown away by the title, but as I read on, I became spiritually
disturbed by the truth. I suppose my merciful self didn't want to
admit that many who profess Christ are indeed in spiritual darkness.

I think of Abraham asking God if he would relent in destroying Sodom
if he found 50 righteous there. He then thought about it and reduced
it to 45. Thinking about it some more he thought maybe 30; then 20;
then 10. Abraham knew that professing God is one thing, but
righteousness is another. God found none.

Now is the moment of truth. Are there fifty out there...?
If I ask for prayer, tonight, among my blog friends, how many could I
count on?
Really count on?
Could you not tarry with me for one hour?

This message has moved me to be real, righteous, faithful, and honest
in my identity as a child of God.

Lord, help us to live out our faith in you, holy & righteous, full of
faith & fruit, giving glory and honor to your name.


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