Why suffer...Why the cross (Part V)

Do you know that you belong to Him? Do you know that you know? Then there will be a cross. To not have a cross means you are none of His.

What does it say? "to be my disciple...take up your cross and follow me?"
The cross is there for every follower of Him.

Why must I suffer?
Most avoid an answer or offer a pious pass to the question; but the cross will answer it !
Why not suffer? He suffered for you; nailing our sin to the cross. Compared to the cross He bore for us...our burden is light and momentary; achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.
You have endured the pains of the cross already but in ignorance. Without the knowledge of your cross and the summons to carry it you laden your load all the more. Laboring in circles you blindly; angrily; pitifully suffer.

What did He first say the disciple must do? Take up your cross?
No...first you must deny yourself. Self is an enemy of the cross; deceiving; denying. It must be dealt with. Only the cross of victory can deliver us from the body of death. The sweet cross is where His glory rest. He will not share His glory with...your self.

What is FAITH?

The Apostles forsook their nets and followed.
Are you still holding on to the world; then self is still in the way. It's difficult to carry your cross with one hand on the beam and the other hauling the net.

Forsake it all...it is but rubbish compared to the prize on the royal road.

When following Him; cross for cross; we join a heavenly host; urging us on; to lay aside the weights that beset us; to press on; looking unto Him. You cannot carry both and please Him.

You have asked; "why is this happening to me?" What does it matter. If you acknowledge your holy cross, you know it will lead to good. In faith we know that all things work together for good when we are assured of His perfecting love. Fear is vanquished when our eyes are fixed on Him.

Some want to turn back.
Then they started wrong.

If I say I want to know Him but without the cross then do I really desire to know Him at all.
Calvary is where the curse and judgment of sin was meted out. His Spirit reproves of sin, righteousness and judgement. Your crucible is a sanctifying process of flesh versus holiness; that your body of sin might be destroyed; no longer a slave to it.

Are you crucified with Christ? Then the life you live in the flesh must be in faith; of Christ in you.
To know without the cross...? See how utterly ridiculous it sounds.
Without faith it is impossible to please God. Faithfully we deny self; take up our cross; and follow Him.

Hasten to Him. To embrace your cross is to be one with Him and the Father; to know Him...and make Him known.

Thomas & Stone


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