The God Parent

My wife and I have entered into the fun and fascinating stage of grand parenting. Alora is 3 years old and her baby sister Roselyn is 4 months. Our daughter Hailey and son-in-law Dan are the proud parents. Hailey is an ER nurse so that means we have the task of being weekend warriors; reviving our parenting skills. Each visit is a walk down memory lane when our own three children were just so young. However, I should add that there is a vast difference in the rules for grandchildren than they were for our own; and WE LOVE IT; but the common denominator is unconditional love.

This new phase in our life has caused me to think a lot about how we relate to our children and our relationship to our heavenly father.
We have three adult children. Stephen is our oldest. After his stint in the Air Force, he began his undergraduate degree in fine arts and cinematography. Hailey is our middle daughter that is well into her career in medicine. Allison is our baby. She's approaching her senior year in college. All three bring us immense joy. They love the Lord and their mom and dad. The way in which we relate to them is unique for each one. They're so different in their personalities it's funny. Stephen can go weeks without calling; which is not a bad thing. If he's calling…often it means he needs something or has a problem.  He's fiercely independent and persistent. When he hits an unscalable wall or impenetrable problem…he calls pop and we spring into action. He never questions my love for him. He's my son and it's my responsibility to love, guide, and care for him with all the power and resource I have available.
The God parent is about a deep understanding of our relationship with our Heavenly Father through Christ. Many of us have a skewed understanding of God's relationship with us and it keeps us from a multitude of gifts, favor, and blessing. To be born into God's family means that through Christ; we have a right to be called children of God. You belong to Him; you are His responsibility to nurture, care, and guide through life and eternity. That is His promise to you. He promises to never leave or forsake you.
With an inappropriate Old Testament view of God mixed in with an unpleasant life experience and upbringing can leave one estranged from a Heavenly Father that desires blessing and grace for us… each hour of every day.
My father was a Baptist Minister that held to a strict code. Being the youngest of nine, I often thought he was tired of being a dad by the time I came along. He was often agitated with a quick temper. I feared him in the worst way. He would act loving toward us at times but it would be brief. My mother was the nurturer and the source of most information; however there were times that it was unavoidable; I had to go through my father for favor or permission. I would spend hours buttering him up so I could ask him for something. I had the impression that he was already irritated with me and it was my job to make amends before seeking his help.
Sin separates us from God undoubtedly; but you must read on. Because of this Christ came into the world to reconcile us. Once redeemed, we belong to Him.
Colossians 1:20 (NIV)  and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.
Nothing can separate me from the love of God through Christ Jesus. Failure is a part of life, but for every failure, sin, transgression, or anything else… His grace is greater.  Oftentimes we have the notion that because we haven't prayed enough; gone to church enough; made good choices;  the way back to God is too difficult.  Its the idea that He's unhappy with me making  it impossible to reconcile. But Christ has made reconciliation possible by bringing peace to what was once a wall of hostility.  He removed in heaven and on earth all that separated us from the ultimate God parent. Now we can boldly approach His throne and seek His help and grace. He wants you to know He's an awesome heavenly Heavenly Father like you have never dreamed. No buttering Him up or anything like that. He's there to sustain and strengthen; to comfort and console; to guide and restore. Our failure to enjoy His care is our failure to  seek and ask.
Matthew 7: 9 "Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? 10 Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? 11 If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!
Your amazing God parent covers you each day with His grace; caring, loving ,and providing for you. As a good Father, your God parent is keeping up with you; loving you every step of the  way. Open the eyes of your heart to see Him…speak to Him. It's easier than texting; it's more fun than Facebook.


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