Hello Mr. K

"Hello Mr. K, I'm chaplain Thomas. Your doctor asked me to come by.
You asked for communion and anointing oil?"

"Yes. Come in. Come in.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise him all creatures here
below. Praise him above ye heavenly host. Praise Father, Son, and Holy

"Oh my," I thought to myself. "I've caught me a live one here."

I shook Mr. K's hand and pulled up a chair to chat with him for a few
minutes. After his opening invocation, my interest was peaked.

He asked about my ministry as a chaplain and I shared a brief outline
of the work. I asked him to share about his life, work, family, and
service. Mr. K. was warm and delightful. With every detail of his life
history he would quote some applicable verse.

The joy of the lord was radiant in his life. As he moved from his
boyhood to marriage and so forth he spoke of Gods intervention at
every turn.

"My wife of 65 years went home to be with the lord last year. But
chaplain, we are not like those who have no hope! She cannot come to
me, but praise God I can go to her!"

His voice and smile were infectious. Mr. K drew me into his stories.
As he quoted scripture, I would to cite the reference. We began to
feed off each others spiritual walk with Christ.

Slowly it seemed like the spirit was catching up with me, or I with
I had been running from room to room all morning. It was evident
that as I sat and listened to Mr. K, the presence of God was filling
my cup until it "runneth over".

Eventually I stood to prepare communion and the anointing oil. Mr. K
bowed reverently. The Holy Spirit was powerful.
After finishing the service, I began preparations to leave.

"Mr. K. This has been a true privilege and honor to share time with
you today. I feel like I'm leaving with more than I brought."

"Bless you pastor. How beautiful and blessed are the feet of those
who bring the good news."

"Romans 10, I replied"

There was rejoicing as I left the room. Moments later I was in the
office of Dr. D. We shared about our work of the day and discussed
prayer request. I shared with him the details of my earlier visit with
Mr. K. He listened intently to it all. When I finished speaking Dr. D
"John, God had that man there for you! Don't you see that? We give and
give all day and God said, "I'm going to give to John. He put him
there for you!"

As I listened to Dr. D I knew he was right. Our heavenly father had
orchestrated a slice of heaven for MY enjoyment and pleasure.

God is good and his blessings toward his servants are priceless.
As I give, help me dear God to see what YOU give.
Every good and perfect gift that you send from above.



  1. Sitting in the room with you, all I know is that I could not keep up with the quoting that day. I am glad that God used you on this one since it gave me flashbacks to Bible drills.

  2. John, it is always fun stalking the halls with you. It may be also the closest I get to Baptist - maybe the shekinah will rub off on me or something (or my heart strangely warmed to keep it my tradition). Plus, I get to remember my 'sword drills' from my youth.


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