Through The FIRE
"Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, did not hesitate. The fiery furnace
was in their future. They didn't presume to understand why or how
God could use this experience for His purposes but they were determined to be faithful. Their response to the king was, "Our God will save us from the fire, if not here, then in glory."
It wasn't until they were cast into the blazing furnace that the image of the fourth man appeared, the presence of Christ was there!
God may have the fiery furnace set before you, but take courage. It
is when you are in the fire that the 4th man appears. God will use this for good!"
I knew God wanted me to share this Old Testament story. The soldier for whom
God had chosen this message was a patient of mine. After speaking
to him about these things I wasn't sure how much of it he would
remember. His medical situation had left him discouraged and hollow.
The following day I stopped in to check on his condition and
see if he remembered our little talk the day before.
He leaped to his feet when I entered. He wanted us to go out and sit in
the activity room. Observing his stride and demeanor it was evident something had
We sat down and he quickly began to tell me about how God spoke to
him in the night.
" know Shadrach , Meshach, and Abednego? They were thrown into the
fiery furnace...." He retold the OT account to the last detail.
"Chaplain, it was not until they were thrown in the fire that you
could see the 4th man. God has a purpose for me in all this. Nothing is lost".
WOW, another God moment. I listened to him with affirmation and
approval. It took all my strength to not reveal the broad internal
grin I was wearing.
On a scale of 1-10, he was about a 12. His enthusiasm for his future
was...zealous. Not only was he confident that God was able to use this
adversity, he welcomed it.
The goal of a child of God is for Gods word to be gladly received in
the hearts of hearers. You and I must decrease and HE must increase.
My assurance from this young man was that he remembered the message from the Holy Spirit.
God spoke to him through His living word.
A seed was sown. The wind blew it. Not knowing from whence it came.
Healing rain watered it. The sun of righteousness fed took
root... and began to grow.
was in their future. They didn't presume to understand why or how
God could use this experience for His purposes but they were determined to be faithful. Their response to the king was, "Our God will save us from the fire, if not here, then in glory."

God may have the fiery furnace set before you, but take courage. It
is when you are in the fire that the 4th man appears. God will use this for good!"
I knew God wanted me to share this Old Testament story. The soldier for whom
God had chosen this message was a patient of mine. After speaking
to him about these things I wasn't sure how much of it he would
remember. His medical situation had left him discouraged and hollow.
The following day I stopped in to check on his condition and
see if he remembered our little talk the day before.
He leaped to his feet when I entered. He wanted us to go out and sit in
the activity room. Observing his stride and demeanor it was evident something had
We sat down and he quickly began to tell me about how God spoke to
him in the night.
" know Shadrach , Meshach, and Abednego? They were thrown into the
fiery furnace...." He retold the OT account to the last detail.
"Chaplain, it was not until they were thrown in the fire that you
could see the 4th man. God has a purpose for me in all this. Nothing is lost".
WOW, another God moment. I listened to him with affirmation and
approval. It took all my strength to not reveal the broad internal
grin I was wearing.
On a scale of 1-10, he was about a 12. His enthusiasm for his future
was...zealous. Not only was he confident that God was able to use this
adversity, he welcomed it.
The goal of a child of God is for Gods word to be gladly received in
the hearts of hearers. You and I must decrease and HE must increase.
My assurance from this young man was that he remembered the message from the Holy Spirit.
God spoke to him through His living word.
A seed was sown. The wind blew it. Not knowing from whence it came.
Healing rain watered it. The sun of righteousness fed took
root... and began to grow.
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