Luke 16:9. I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for
yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal
This verse has always fascinated me. It's underscored and highlighted in
my bible. I'm still trying to grasp it's meaning especially the full
context of the parable. The preceding verse says,

people of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own kind
than are the people of the light.
You must admit that this is an interesting verse and one that I'm
still wrestling with.
Verse nine is the key to the parable. The shrewed manager thought of
himself, money, and future profits. He was selfish and shrewed but good at what he did. The message that Jesus was putting forth is a
lifestyle principle for you and me.
Children of this world live out their lives thinking of their own
future. Children of the light think about theirs but also the future
of others. We are to spend our fortunes, time, efforts, and capital on
making eternal friends.
Taking the time to invest in someones life can alter eternal outcomes.
It's easy for many to withdraw and isolate. Seeking out new friends has
always been the hardest thing for me to do. Jesus implied that we are to be
as crafty in looking out and engaged with others as the world is in looking out for
If someone wants to talk to you today, give them your time, and when
you grow weary, give them a little more. If you see someone on the
fringe, shy, and alone, speak a kind word. Offer yourself to someone
that is in the shadows, quite, and unsure.
Make a new friend today.
Learn their name. Learn about their life. Step out of the box and make
it your spiritual work... today. God will be pleased and he will
commend your actions
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