During the Wednesday prayer group today we were interrupted by a sweet lady from the business office. I stood to greet her and she quickly
told me of a young gentleman in the hall that wished to speak to a
I left the group to go out and meet the young man. He was a sharp
dressed clean shaven veteran who was clearly upset. He asked for a
moment of my time.
We went back into the chapel and found a quite corner.
Immediately he began to pour his heart out that he had found Christ a
few years ago, not long after returning from Iraq. He also had
discovered alcohol while serving there. His last several years had been
a roller coaster ride of freedom and bondage. He had found the bread of
life but the ball and chain of addiction was destroying all his hopes
and dreams.
To illustrate Gods amazing love for us and compassion for the poor in
spirit, listen to what he said next.
"I've tried everything on my own to stop this vicious cycle. This
morning I left my home seeking help. I didn't know where I was going
and God led me here."
I told him, "you've come to the right place son. I'm no physician, but
I believe God sent you to us. We're going to pray and then go for a
walk and see where God leads us."
As we began walking down the hall I headed for Dr. David McCoy's
clinic. I hadn't seen him all week but I was praying that he would be
there. When I walked in with the veteran, David was sitting at his
desk like he was waiting for us.
Dr. McCoy is one of our outstanding Christian physicians with a bold
heart for God and for young veterans. David swept up this young man
and within minutes he was admitted into the detox program. We assured
him that this step was the right thing not only because of the
program, but that we as brothers in Christ would follow him and
minister to him during his recovery.
He was so excited that he hugged me. It was the kind of embrace that
expressed relief, joy, and last!
God is so good isn't He? He knows how to care for His children when we
cry out to Him. He comes to our rescue with His life boat. Our hope is
that we have enough sense and faith to climb aboard.
told me of a young gentleman in the hall that wished to speak to a
I left the group to go out and meet the young man. He was a sharp
dressed clean shaven veteran who was clearly upset. He asked for a
moment of my time.
We went back into the chapel and found a quite corner.
Immediately he began to pour his heart out that he had found Christ a
few years ago, not long after returning from Iraq. He also had
discovered alcohol while serving there. His last several years had been
a roller coaster ride of freedom and bondage. He had found the bread of
life but the ball and chain of addiction was destroying all his hopes
and dreams.
To illustrate Gods amazing love for us and compassion for the poor in
spirit, listen to what he said next.
"I've tried everything on my own to stop this vicious cycle. This
morning I left my home seeking help. I didn't know where I was going
and God led me here."
I told him, "you've come to the right place son. I'm no physician, but
I believe God sent you to us. We're going to pray and then go for a
walk and see where God leads us."
As we began walking down the hall I headed for Dr. David McCoy's
clinic. I hadn't seen him all week but I was praying that he would be
there. When I walked in with the veteran, David was sitting at his
desk like he was waiting for us.
Dr. McCoy is one of our outstanding Christian physicians with a bold
heart for God and for young veterans. David swept up this young man
and within minutes he was admitted into the detox program. We assured
him that this step was the right thing not only because of the
program, but that we as brothers in Christ would follow him and
minister to him during his recovery.
He was so excited that he hugged me. It was the kind of embrace that
expressed relief, joy, and last!
God is so good isn't He? He knows how to care for His children when we
cry out to Him. He comes to our rescue with His life boat. Our hope is
that we have enough sense and faith to climb aboard.
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