Keith Brake

Acts 4:31 After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was
shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the
word of God boldly.

And the place was shaken...WOW

We all need these moments of transfiguration. Times when God makes an
appearance leaving no doubt that you are where you're supposed to be
doing exactly what is pleasing to Him.

God moments...! They happen every day. All day. In big and small ways.
The small moments may bring a smile. The huge bring tears.

We can fathom only handfuls of the mountainous otherwise we look only
for big and miss the multitude of God moments happening all around us.

One of those gigantic events happened Sunday. Over 50 of us were
jammed into the small hospice room of our beloved LIFE group teacher of
25 years. Cancer had left him unable to communicate.
Final days of life's struggle are approaching.

Lynn's request for Keith was to have his class meet by his bed, on
Easter Sunday, a memorial to a man that had given his life to so many.
Lives that he touched, youth that had leaned on his knee, men and
their wives whose hearts were shaped by his faithfulness all stood in
his honor as I taught about the resurrection of our Lord.

Keith's eyes remained closed during the entire meeting. A recent
development of his cancer.

At the conclusion of the class people began to share their words of
gratitude; meaningful testimonies; expressions of love and devotion.

A massive low ceiling thunder cloud appeared and rain began to pelt
the window by his bed. When the testimonies slowed I led the class in
the hymn Because He Lives. At that moment the thunder clapped louder
than I've ever heard. The peals of vibrating thunder rolled as we
reached the chorus.

Keith opened his eyes.

Suddenly there were no 50 voices, only a handful. Tears had choked and
silenced the tongues.

God made His presence known in the midst of His people.
...and the place was shaken.

When God speaks it is louder than words. Sunday, we heard in our
"these are my people and this is my beloved son... in whom I'm
well pleased."

Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Others come and linger for
awhile and leave footprints on our hearts and we are never ever the same

Thank you God for Keith Brake.

Keith went home to glory at 10:20 this evening, on the last chorus of Amazing Grace


  1. My husband and I visited with Lynn and the family Sunday afternoon and she shared with me what an awesome experience Sunday morning had been. i know Keith was soooo happy that his class was surrounding him with love and prayers.
    Keith Brake was a WONDERFUL christian man and will be greatly missed.

  2. It was the most beautiful Easter! Thanks Lynn & family for sharing Keith with our class. We will never forget that moment! John you did a fantastic job! We are all better persons for having know Keith Brake!

  3. This post is incredibly moving. What a gift for you all to experience it with precious Keith. God has richly blessed so many lives as Keith walked faithfully with Him. My mind keeps in-visioning the wonderful smile I always saw on Keith's face. I'm so thankful to have known him.

  4. This says a lot about a great christian and man... Keith Brake . I will miss him dearly as will everyone who got to know him. I will have my memories of following him as a child growing up especially during the summers. He was a great inspiration to me and to everyone who knew him. Hard to put into words what someone like Keith meant to so many. He left a legacy for sure with all who knew him and to all who know his wife and children .. GOD SPEED KEITH

  5. I can't begin to express the emotions I'm feeling now. Keith had what I would call an "infectious personality". You couldn't come into his class and get lost. He wouldn't allow it. I felt like when I didn't go to the class and just came to the service, I felt that Keith searched me out to give me a handshake, a hug and ask how work was.
    I feel richer for having known Keith, and the world will be poorer without him.
    Much love to Lynn and the children.

  6. Keith led us to the Lord. That we will never foget! He was a wonderful man, husband, father and friend. He loved everyone he met. He showed Gaylen and I so much love and kindness. I will never forget what he meant to us. Lynn you are a wonderful witness of love and devotion to your husband an d children. May God bless and keep you in his arms during this new chapter on your lives. We have prayed for you dailey. We will continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers. .Gaylen and Linda Hodges"


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