Watch It...

Matthew 26:41 "Watch and pray so that you will not fall into
temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak."

I enjoyed driving my kids to school every morning. There were many
traditions that went along with the short ride every day. We looked
for different animals, talked about "daddy" stuff, and most
importantly we prayed.

One morning Stephen was telling about a problem
he was having with his anger towards another kid. I remember giving
him the pastoral answer, "pray about it son." He quickly replied,

"I do pray daddy but I still blurt out mean things."

I thought about his answer for a second and I said,
"well Stephen, you can't just pray and then forget about it, you've
got've got to..."

"Watch daddy," he said.

"Yea son, that's right. You've got to watch & pray"

I'm not positive that's what Jesus meant but I believe it's real
close. Out of the mouth of a child the principle of "watch & pray"
became crystal clear, for both of us.

Jesus linked the issue of the divine with our humanity when he told us
to watch & pray lest you fall into temptation. For many things,
especially our sin, it's not enough to simply pray and forget about
it. Though the spirit is willing, our flesh is weak.

We must know our weaknesses and watch for pitfalls and traps. Guarding
our hearts is us doing our part. Praying is God doing His.

Carmen says, "pray, as if it all depends upon God. Watch, as if it all
depends upon you." It worked for a 12 year old named Stephen

...and a child will guide them


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