A New Creation

A physician said to me the other day,
"Chaplain, I'm convinced that God sends many of our patients here for things other than medical".


Enter Mr. S.
A prince of a man and an original product of "The Greatest Generation."
Mr. S had toured England, France, and Germany during WWII.
He returned from the war and married his school sweetheart. They have been married for over 60 years and he visits her daily in a long term facility where she suffers from Alzheimer's.

They raised a beautiful family with loyal grandchildren and adorable great grandchildren.
For half a century he ran a small business selling tractor tires and parts for the small farmer. He went to work everyday up until recently when he was diagnosed with end stage pancreatic cancer.

His doctors have given him a life expectancy of 6 months or less. A phrase we hear around the hospital all to often. Devastation, shock and unbelief had seized his heart.

His physician introduced me to him. I continued to meet with Mr. S for several days. He was truly a blessed man but it was evident something was missing. I ask him pointedly if he knew Christ as his Lord and Savior. Mr. S said no...he never had any use for religion. I told him I didn't either... I wasn't talking about religion...I was talking about a relationship.

I asked him if he would allow me to explain these things and guide him in the following days.
After several days of sharing, talking, explaining verses, and a even a field trip to the chapel Mr. S called out to God. 
He did it all on his own. 
In the middle of the night. 
I entered his room one morning and he practically shouted out to me...

     "Chaplain...I called out to God last night...and he heard me!"

The transformation in Mr. S was remarkable...but familiar.
He was discharged yesterday and upon his departure he said to me with tears welling up in his eyes...

     "Thank you Chaplain for telling me about God."

Mr. S came here...for a cancer diagnosis? 
He entered as one man...and he left another!

We will see him again!!!


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