What If

Psalm 124:1-5
If the LORD had not been on our side—
let Israel say—
if the LORD had not been on our side when men attacked us, when their anger flared against us, they would have swallowed us alive; the flood would have engulfed us, the torrent would have swept over us, the raging waters would have swept us away.

Try and imagine what your life would be WITHOUT the Lord. Maybe that's a little too much for you to fathom. I know that I couldn't, however in Psalm 124 the writer posed the big "what if" question. Just like the psalmist its alright to think along those lines. It can actually be a healthy exercise to consider where our lives would be without God, friends, family, privileges, blessings, among other things.
What if...can be applied to every page of history, every disaster, every victory,  every sadness in life, and in every joy. 
Its abundantly clear that Israel would not have survived as a nation or a people on several occasions if God had not been at work on their behalf. When we acknowlege this to Him it is a form of gratitude and praise. Can you trace back through your spiritual walk and recognize Gods wonderful acts on your behalf?
In my prayer and meditation time I constantly reflect on the supernatural interventions of God. In life, family, ministry...in everything, God is the difference. You see, He is not remotely interested in me, He if fully involved, in every juncture, at every turn, down to the nth degree. The big... "What if God had not been on our side..." would be a scenario unimaginable for all of us.
I was speaking to a young person this week and I used the expression that God had shown her a little TLC. She looked at me rather odd and said..."whats does that mean?" I was glad to explain to her about Gods tender, love, and care toward us.
Tender Love & Care. Every generation must be taught and reminded that our heavenly Father treats us with tenderness, love, favor and prosperity. His care and protection is our shield, our rock, and our defense. Praise Him. Worship Him.
For IF...God had not been on our side........



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