Trusting Him
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight.
Most believers are aware of the principle that we are to trust in the Lord in the midst of life's troubles and happenings. After all, without faith it is impossible to please God. The challenge for us is where the verse states..."our own understanding".
We have a narrow and extremely limited understanding. Our interpretation of life issues, decisions, sufferings, trials etc. are processed by our finite minds and lead us to form our own understanding. Its a human thing. We all do it. That's how the world operates. Receive information...process data... make decisions. believers, our method of processing life events and issues follow a different route and...a different outcome.
Let me explain. Roy gets a pink slip from his employer. Roy doesn't flip out and show desperation. The foreman asked what he will do. His response, "I don't know but in faith I believe God will provide." The foreman looks oddly at Roy, shrugs his shoulders and says, "okay...good for you." Perhaps he's not accustomed to seeing someone act so calmly.
Before Roy leaves the office, the phone rings. The foreman hears his boss say, "we need a sheet metal worker, you know anybody". Lowering the phone, he looks up at Roy and asked, "can you do sheet metal?"
Roy says, "as a matter of fact yes. I have a two year certification." The foreman answers the supervisor. I
have a guy standing right here that can but I just laid him off. The super says..."Re-hire him, I need him now."

All of this could have been to present a powerful witness to the foreman or to strengthen Roy. Again, our interpretation and understanding is limited. The "why" is Gods work. The important thing is that as heirs of God, in all our ways, we trust Him, revealing our faith.
Demonstrating a Godly response when life happens leaves a powerful witness. In fact, I guarantee that someone is watching; admirably desiring your courage and faith. God willing, you will have an opportunity to share with them the source of your strength. We serve an awesome and mighty God.
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