When doubt gets the best of you

1 Samuel 27:1
And David said in his heart, "Now I shall perish someday by the hand of Saul.

We are all guilty of making pitiful declarations. There are times when we think in our heart that the forces which oppose us are eventually going to get the best of us. David grew weary of the constant fleeing from Saul and the bounty on his life. In his despair he thinks to himself that one day he's going to get me. I can't keep this up forever.

History proved otherwise. Saul actually died by his own hand being surrounded by the Philistines. David ascended to the throne as ruler of Israel and he became the most beloved and Godly King in the lineage of Christ Jesus.

Buckling under pressure and having negative thoughts is nothing new. Although everything God has promised and done proves contrary, we still fall victim to our own weakness of disbelief.

Life has a way of tormenting our conscience. Satan, our adversary, is the father of lies. He attempts to build on our moments of doubt erecting an entire mirage of uncertainty and fear.

God is faithful my friend. When faced with condemning thoughts and accusations we must return to His word and be reminded of all that He hath promised. Sin enters when we think unbelief in our heart and it moves to action in our steps. I meet those everyday that live defeated. Not because God has said, but because that's what their heart believes.

1 John 3:20 For if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things.

God doesn't cast us aside when we grovel in defeat. He reassures us of His anointing and reminds us of His word and His faithful promises. You can trust Him. Though the landscape around you says defeat, defeat, defeat; His word says that we are MORE than conquerors through Him that loved us. Lift up your head and believe !


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