Saved By Grace

Galatians 2:21 I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!"

It was not easy being Paul. He was persecuted from all angles. On the left their were tyrants who sought to silence him and if that wasn't enough, on the right he came under attack from his own Jewish brethren...even Peter.

The rock of offense was namely over the law. In Acts 21 he was accused of being the man that was against all the Jews, the law, and of Moses. Paul surely had to rely on a rock solid confidence when facing false accusations. This statement in Galatians is very clear, "no one is justified in keeping the law in the sight of God". If this were true...then Christ died for nothing.

At one point he even had to challenge Peter himself for bowing to the pressure of the Jews for teaching a salvation gospel, blended with the observance of the law. Paul sternly reminded them that Christ met all the requirements of the law for us and removed us out from under it. By this we are freed from the law, therefore sin and death are defeated. 

In 2 Corinthians he stated that anything other than Grace through faith is not "Gospel". Law, works, effort, good deeds, holiness, and so on are evidence of faith... but they do not equal salvation.

Paul was supernaturally convinced in salvation through grace alone. He declared that keeping the law of God in their Jewish custom or as a gentile did not measure one ounce of righteousness. This comes only by His grace toward us who believe.

It surprises me how still today some are determined to complicate the very simple truth of grace through faith. To them there must be a price...a cost??  

Paul said it this way, "How foolish can you be? After starting your Christian lives in the Spirit, why are you now trying to become perfect by your own human effort"? Gal 3:3

Remember, the free gift of salvation was bought with a price...CALVARY
Their is sweet victory in the finished work of Christ.
My eternity is set.
My inheritance is in place.
My hope is in the lord.
When Jesus cried "tetelestai", it is is done. is done.


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