The Waiting Game

Isaiah 40:31  But those who wait on the Lord
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.

I've wondered lately about how much of my time each day is spent waiting. There are different kinds of waiting. Last night I waited for a pizza carry out. Before my order was ready, I think I could have gone to Nashville and back.

Earlier I had waited for what seemed like hours in a Doctors office. Waiting there seems to be fair...because everyone else is doing it too.

There's waiting for the mail, for the light, the cashier, the laundry; all kinds of waiting everyday.

What about waiting on the Lord? Do you think it's the same kind of wait we find ourselves in at other times?

I have a lot to learn in waiting on the Lord but what I do know is this; how we wait is important!

Have you ever noticed those that seem to be prepared for their wait? Whether it's a kindle reader, balancing the checkbook, or sorting e-mail, they seem to counting on some down time.

It's important, when waiting on God, to be the secret of being still. The pilgrimage of our faith leads all of us to learn from waiting. All believers are waiting for Him in some capacity. It may be for a job or for resolution in your marriage. Some are waiting for spiritual needs to be met while many others are waiting for Him to provide physical relief.

Our great provider is not holding out on you, He is refining you; preparing you for the maximizing of His blessing.

It is by God's design that waiting be a spiritual growth time.

In light of this, their are 3 things you should do while waiting on the LORD.

1. Pray without ceasing. Keeping our prayer concerns tuned on a constant frequency is part of walking in the spirit.

2. Work while you wait. There is a vast difference in waiting and wasting. Stay busy in kingdom work.

3. Talk it up. Share your testimony. Listen to the spiritual needs of others. You'll be surprised at the insight you gain when you; "bear ye one anothers burdens."

If waiting helps renew your faith, don't be surprised if more waiting is in store. Learn to wait well.


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