The Dawning of His Grace

Titus 2:11 For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all people. God is so very good to us. To all of us. Even the unbeliever is a recipient of the blessings of God. He's a good God that causes the rain the fall on the just and unjust. The artisan wells that spring up from the heart of the earth replenish any who draw from it's supply. God gives good gifts and does marvelous things for mankind. By His grace we live, move, and have our being. Were it not for His goodness we would live in the shadows of horror, fear, and uncertainty; but the fact is His blessings enrich the lives of all people whether we acknowledge it or not. Why does He do that? In order that we would recognize His grace in our midst and come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ as Lord. Even in suffering, pain, hardship, and toil, God gives grace; grace to endure; to persevere; to survive; heal and mend. Have you noticed that prosperity and reward is not limited to Gods people? ...