Greatest Comebacks

Luke  22;31 “Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat. 32 But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”

If we knew what our adversary knows about us we might have a higher opinion of our life, work, and service for the Lord. Peter was a simple fisherman turned disciple; turned apostle; future author; and soon to be foundational rock of the early church.  Satan would have enjoyed nothing more than to use Peter’s faults and weaknesses against him; to see that his denial of the Lord would be so devastating that he would ultimately abandon the faith and disappear.

The failure of Peter was the direct result of Satan’s attack. This is his style; his method; to humiliate us through our own weakness for the purpose of getting us out of the way. The adversary knows only to steal, kill, and destroy. God’s method is that through our failure, we return to Him for forgiveness and strength. He then uses us to be more effective for the kingdom because it is through the prism of His love and grace; made perfect in our weakness.

To run away from our Lord; to abandon Him; to allow shame of our failure to silence us; is worse than the offense itself and it’s just what the devil wants.

God is greater than all our sin. To run from His grace…is a disgrace…to grace.

Remember this, Jesus has prayed for us. He knows firsthand of our temptation and the enemy’s technique. 

We all sin, make foolish mistakes, and at times simply “blow it”.

Jesus says to our heavenly Father, “I pray for them. I do not pray for the world but for those you gave me, for they belong to you.”
John 17:9 GNT

We belong to Him and are the sheep of His pasture. He’s the good shepherd. He knows and lays down His life for His sheep.

No one…NO ONE…can snatch us out of His hand.


  1. John Mark it has been a long while since I last saw you. It is wonderful to see how the Lord has been so good to you. I have never met a more Godly man. You may not remember me however you wonderful mother babysat my daughters, Anissa & Kathleen. These two are my blessings from the Lord. I have read a lot your work. Such blessings.


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