Some of you are wondering about all the blogs I have written on Matthew 16:24 " if anyone would come after me they must first deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me."
What has been produced by this spiritual experience is the seven chapters of my blog titled: Take Up Your Cross.
Suffering is part of the Christian experience. God uses our cross to deepen our trust in Him and mature our faith.
As believers we forget that in this world we will suffer. Mistakenly we dream of the day when we will have no more problems or sorrow. That day is Heaven...and we aren't there yet.
We are called to take up our cross and follow Him. The cross is His way to the kingdom; His way to thy will be done on it is in heaven.
Sin is defeated by the cross. In heaven and on earth.
Through His cross the heavens are opened;
Through our cross the earth is laid bare.
Too many give up and quit. Some allow the sorrows of life to destroy them physically and spiritually.
These seven chapters will strengthen your resolve to accept suffering as your cross; to increase your faith; to transform beauty from ashes; restore joy to those who mourn.
I firmly believe that God will use this timely message for today. Pray and share this message with others.
(All seven chapters are being revised and can be read in their entirety at:
John M. Thomas
William J. Stone M.D.
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