Come Inside

Matthew 24: 39 and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.

We are no more disturbed by the conditions of the world in the last days than the Lord Jesus Christ himself. Undoubtedly He knew that these prophetic words would be shocking to the hearers.

Fear mongering is a negative term used by pundits to describe someone who projects a doomed futuristic course.
Jesus would be labeled a fear monger. Noah certainly would have been called a fear monger, among other things.

Don't be caught up in secular thinking. The collective conscience of this day is intolerant to anything about judgment, sin, penalty, or destruction. Especially one that is orchestrated by God.

The text says they all perished. The intellectual and the illiterate; the religious and the blasphemous; the rich and the impoverished all were swept away by the same water.

Those that sympathized with Noah's message and planned to join him one day...were swept away! The only thing separating the saved and the perishing...was a DOOR. If they had passed through it, they would have been saved. It's that simple.

Enter through the door. No more procrastination, alibi's, or excuses.

"I am the door; whoever enters through me will be saved."
                                                                    - Jesus Christ (jn.10:7)

Who will come to Christ today? Who is willing to step inside?

For Noah, only eight were saved. His plea and urging was headed only by his family...and beast.

2 Peter 3:3  First of all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. They will say, "Where is this coming..."

A popular last day attitude will be to make light of bible prophecy, church people, and Jesus freaks.

The name of Christ; is it unpopular...uncool?
That depends on who you're listening too. For the redeemed... "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to us by which we must be saved.” (ac.4:12)

Share His love with passion and tears.



  1. Awesome reminders for sure. I've passed you on to my sister.


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