Search & Rescue

Such is the description of this life; so much is against us. With our eyes focused on the opposition we lose hope, joy, and even the assurance of His presence.
The journey of every follower of the master inevitably leads to deep water. In the torrent, in the flood, in the fire we experience His dramatic rescue; leaving us to wonder that this was of His design; sending us ahead, into the storm, that He may come to us, walking on the very thing that threatens us.
If I had no storm, how would I learn of the master in whom the wind and waves obey? If I had no fiery test, how would I see the fourth man in the midst? If I had no hurt, how would I know of the healing balm of Gilead?
All that thou hast given me, I have lost none.
The lover of our souls doesn't torment us. How could a father give a serpent if his child ask for bread?
The liar whispers in our ear sowing seeds of doubt, "how could He abandon you? Where is this coming He promised?"
Ah, He has never left us. Never will I leave thee. He is with us always, even to the end of the world. Only our eyes betray us, clouding the heart.
He sends us conquer the deep. The shepherd has made our journey; making our path straight.
In the darkness comes a light. A bright and morning star. Behold, our gentle king cometh. The keys of death and hell are in His hands.
In the fourth watch He comes out to us defying the deep. Our ever present help in times of trouble.
Even now He comes.
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