Life Is Precious

We've all heard that before. Like most wise sayings...their's a reason why they stick. When you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ the meaning and purpose of life becomes clearer. He doesn't hide His will from us; but it is enveloped within His presence. Walking with Him daily is about knowing Him and doing His will...with my life vessel or instrument that He's me. One day...His work on earth for me will be done. My day, my moment under the sun, my time on the stage of life is NOW. When the curtain falls and the lights grow dim...I will exit this life. Death is all that separates me from my immortal-heavenly dwelling. Isn't it awesome to have the fullness of Christ; in this life. Daily I must be confident of His work being done in and through me. My present mortal life, just as my imperishable eternity, rests in His hands. Every day...every moment counts. Imagine a what if with me...Suppose an angel o...