
You have a gift. It is a unique gift that no other person on earth has. This talent is exclusive because YOU are special. The gifts of God are distributed among His children but just as you are is your gift.
Talents of encouragement or service; gifts of teaching or giving; physical talents from singing to athletics; from healing arts to photography every believer has one...or several...God given gifts and..."to whom much is given, much is required."
Let me encourage you to fan your gifts into flame; hone your craft and refine your talents for the blessing and benefit of others. Sharing your gift(s) is the most Christlike thing you can do.
2 Corinthians 9:15 Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!
It was to the joy of Jesus Christ to share with all the ultimate gift of eternal all who believe in Him.
I firmly believe that when believers are engaged in the working and sharing of their God given gifts...only then do they experience the fullness of joy.
Many hide their gifts or neglect it. The devil and his surrogates feed us a line about how insignificant we are; how silly we look; or how lame our gift is compared to others. As the result we neglect our special talent; the amazing gift(s) God entrusted unto us to serve the body of Christ and the lost world.
Now just as your special gift is from God...along with His Holy Spirit that works in you; when you display your gift, the mighty awesome power of God is released through you. Those who receive the blessing of your gift have an awestruck- supernatural experience that is nothing short of angelic...bringing glory to God.
1 Peter 4:10-11. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. 11 If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ.
Discover the gift. It may be may be obvious.
Ask for spiritual confirmation of your gift(s) then get busy with it. The display of Gods power awaits through the working of your special, unique, and exclusive gift. Do not deny the world the blessing of something they've never ever seen before...God at You...and ME.
Ask for spiritual confirmation of your gift(s) then get busy with it. The display of Gods power awaits through the working of your special, unique, and exclusive gift. Do not deny the world the blessing of something they've never ever seen before...God at You...and ME.
Hello, John. Thanks for the message -- a great and timely reminder. I haven't been checking in on your blog for a while, but I just had feeling I should. And there it was. A fresh-brewed and very satisfying post. Mysterious ways, my friend, mysterious ways . . . My best to your family.
ReplyDeleteJack. You're an eternal friend