The GROVE testimony

2 Corinthians 4:15   "...more and more grace, more and more people, more and more praise." (MSG)

The GROVE fellowship started when a few brothers and sisters approached me & Angie to consider starting a new church plant. She and I have prayed for years for God to reveal to us how we could effectively minister our testimony of grace and healing. Our friends (thank God for spiritual encouragers) urged us to step up to the plate.

Gary & Anita Keaton reminded me that..."the lost; the young and old, soldiers, students, families, are groping in darkness all around us. The time to act is now John. They need to hear your testimony and message of HOPE. We'll help you...and others will too!!!

Our first target was young soldiers and families in the Oak Grove area. After counsel, study, and research, the leadership (which by now had grown to 16 members) determined that sustaining a healthy congregation, based and operated in the Grove area, would be shaky, (due to numerous factors) and jeopardize the vision effort.

So after a couple of worship encounters and meetings we continued to pray for clarity in Gods call to all of us. We knew our passion, but how to accomplish it was not clear. However, our worship times, testimony & prayer meetings were extremely gratifying and spirit led. In listening to everyone talk about where they are spiritually and their desire to reach others the strategy began to emerge.

In today's culture, the living water and the new wine is COFFEE...Yayyy
The GROVE is a coffee lounge in the heart of Oak Grove KY. The sole purpose is to extend a cup of cold water (or hot coffee) in Jesus name. Free Wi-Fi, free house coffee, and specialties. A gospel rich environment. An inviting and warm venue with the sole purpose of extending hope, grace, and eternal life through Christ. Weekly bible study, acoustic sessions, lectures by guest, are just a few features of The GROVE cafe. Now how exciting is that?

Our worship services are held locally in Clarksville.
Our current location is in the Cumberland room at the Quality Inn 
Exit 4 (wilma rudolph blvd)
Next worship is October 12 at 10am 

Every member of The GROVE fellowship is involved with this ministry. From baristas to bible study leaders. The the ministry...and the ministry is the church.
We are not making waves.
We believe that God is making the wave of reaching the lost and we intend to ride that wave.
Hope will rise.


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