
Showing posts from October, 2014


1 Timothy 4:14  Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through a prophetic message when the body of elders laid their hands on you. You have a gift. It is a unique gift that no other person on earth has. This talent is exclusive because YOU are special. The gifts of God are distributed among His children but just as you are is your gift. Talents of encouragement or service; gifts of teaching or giving; physical talents from singing to athletics; from healing arts to photography every believer has one...or several...God given gifts and ..."to whom much is given, much is required." Let me encourage you to fan your gifts into flame; hone your craft and refine your talents for the blessing and benefit of others. Sharing your gift(s) is the most Christlike thing you can do. 2 Corinthians 9:15  Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift! It was to the joy of Jesus Christ to share with all the ultimate gift of eternal all who believe in H...

Conversation with God: That Thing You Do

About that indecision problem we talked about the other day; how do you tolerate this embarrassing trait that I have? Because you have that Abraham thing working for you. What thing? You know, the whole you go left, then I will go right, if you go right, then I'll go... ...Oh, the Abraham & Lot story. Yeah, that's it. I recall Abraham struggling all night about this. He wrestled with his indecision. Should he take his family left towards Sodom or right toward the mountains. Left, right, left, right...all night long. Now, when I read that passage Abraham didn't make a decision. He left the decision up to Lot. In fact, it reads... Genesis 13:9 Is not the whole land before you? Let's part company. If you go to the left, I'll go to the right; if you go to the right, I'll go to the left. 10 Lot looked around and saw that the whole plain of the Jordan toward Zoar was well watered, like the garden of the LORD, like the land of Egypt. (This wa...

The GROVE testimony

2 Corinthians 4:15   "...more and more grace, more and more people, more and more praise." (MSG) The GROVE fellowship started when a few brothers and sisters approached me & Angie to consider starting a new church plant. She and I have prayed for years for God to reveal to us how we could effectively minister our testimony of grace and healing. Our friends (thank God for spiritual encouragers) urged us to step up to the plate. Gary & Anita Keaton reminded me that..."the lost; the young and old, soldiers, students, families, are groping in darkness all around us. The time to act is now John. They need to hear your testimony and message of HOPE. We'll help you...and others will too!!! Our first target was young soldiers and families in the Oak Grove area. After counsel, study, and research, the leadership (which by now had grown to 16 members) determined that sustaining a healthy congregation, based and operated in the Grove area, would be shaky, (due t...