It's a Good mental exercise to think about all that Jesus did on any given day. From sun up to sundown. What was His plan or agenda for each day. Did He think about where He would sleep or eat? How about a checklist? Did our Lord have a day planner?
For at least three and a half years Christ lived everyday in almost identical 24 hour days. His agenda was consistent everyday with ONE plan of action. He was a working man and on each day He picked right up again where the previous day had ended. ONE objective. ONE endeavor.
ONE focus. Are you ready for it?
Here it is...
            To please God!
To say that Christ was in tune with His heavenly father would be a serious understatment.
"Rising up a great while before day, He withdrew Himself to a solitary place and prayed."
In His humanity, Jesus began each days work with; which way today Father; who today Father; tell me what to say Father. Jesus walked in such profound yet childlike harmony with God that on a number of occasions the voice of God was audibly heard saying. "this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.
What about us? Can we imitate Christ?
You must first realize there is but One God and One Savior and it's neither you or me!
But I can say...which way today God; or, to whom today Father.
To sum up and simplify,  imagine this conversation with you and your heavenly Father.
" John, my Holy Spirit is working in the heart of several people that your going to pass by today. You're an important component to what I'm doing So I want you to smile your biggest Elvis smile everywhere you go today. You don't know who they are nor do you have to say anything but I know them and I'm already speaking to them. My joy radiating through you is just the thing they need to soften their heart. I know you have to work today. In fact John, I put you in this position for this very purpose. Your working for me son.  Just follow my lead. All heaven is counting on you!

Jesus said, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father."  John 14:12



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