"Paging Chaplain Thomas"

Spiritual healing - Physical healing
Jesus healed the sick and gave sight to the blind. As a chaplain at
the VA hospital you feel a sense of Christ at work. As part of the
interdisciplinary team I work with doctors and technicians to bring
about healing to thousands of our nations veterans. Just as highly
trained and skilled professionals facillitate healing the spiritual
healing is equally if not more so important. When I visit patients I
feel the presence of God. As I told a friend yesterday, I pray with
hundreds of people and work alongside of angels.
Pray for my work that I remain focused and sensitive to the spiritual
needs around me.
My hope is to continue with the fall residency. The selection process
is stiff and there are many applicants. Pray with me for God's will to
be accomplished. If my time at the VA concludes in May, it still will
be the most effective 5 months of my life.

Check out this video on YouTube:




  1. I am praying for you John. I know that you are doing God's work and I hope that He blesses you with the position you are now working toward. I can't think of anyone better to share God's word with the our Veterns. They are men and women who deserve to have our thanks. I am grateful they have you to share with them our wonderful Lord Jesus. I know they see Jesus through you.


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