
My kids have asked me why I like old westerns. They have been asking
that same question for years. I guess they're either not listening
to me or can't understand (probably both) The answer is actually
simple. Well, simple to me.
It's the same principle behind another question they've asked me;
Dad, how can you watch "man vs. wild" All DAY LONG???
When I'm watching an old western my mind rests. You don't see cars,
phones, tailored suits, or any other image of modern life. Bear
Gryls biting the head of a snake or making trail mix from spiders
has the same affect on me. It's like those kind of shows rescue me
from present day issues and concerns.
Sounds deep huh? Maybe that's why they never hear me!

Scripture says ...he who dwels in the secret place of the most high
shall abide in the shadow of the almighty. Ps.91:1

Doctors tell us that relieving stress and putiing our minds at rest
can be the best thing for our health. God has provided that place of
rest. I can't tell you were it is. It's different for every
> believer, but it is where you focus on Him and actually feel the
> anxieties of the world drainig off and your spiritual tank filling
> up. You can accomplish more in 5 minutes with God than you can a
> lifetime without Him.
> Without spiritual renewal it really does become "man vs. wild"
> Check out this video on YouTube:
> iPhone


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