
I met some prisoners today! All were in prisons of their own making. Violators of the law were they. The whole lot. Innocence was absent - shame was evident. To pay a debt to society would be easier but this incarceration is a bottomless pit of endless guilt. Born in iniquity and conceived in sin. Prisoners to the shackles that come with flesh. Outside the corridors of their penitentiary cries a voice, "the spirit of the Lord is upon me to proclaim deliverance to the captives." "Come, all who are weary and heavy laden, rest." "Come now, let us reason...white!" A smoking flax He will not quench. A bruised reed He will not crush. A broken and contrite heart He will not despise. How can they call if they can't hear, hear, hear I was naked and you clothed me. I was in prison and ... you came . To speak even unto the least of these... for where the spirit of the lord is...freedom iPhone