Sum of it's parts: The Body of Christ

When you start thinking that it all depends upon you, you're missing the point. The beauty of the system is that ALL  we're asked to do is our part. No matter how small or insignificant it appears to be.

When everbody does their part, God puts it all together. When you try to do it all,  you rob others of their part, and you steal Gods glory by trying to do His too.

He's laid out a work for everybody to do.  It's not the size that matters, but rather your understanding of the larger picture. God's mosaic is a beautiful blend of His chosen tapestry. In His infinite wisdom, He weaves all the parts together to be the glorious body of Christ.

It's easy to get caught up thinking that we're not doing enough or "if everybody would be responsible to do..." (you know the complaint).

When you and I stand before the Lord, we won't have the luxuary of excuses or blaming others.
The daily ambition of every believer is to hear Him say,
"Well done mate, you did YOUR part and you helped others find theirs."
If it's being a faithful friend - do it
If your an encorager - keep blessing
An artist - be the best
Whatever YOU do, do it all to the glory of God.

Philippians 2:13 For it is God which works in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.


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