Daddy's Little Girl

I sent her a text to pick me up at 8:30pm.
There was a lot to do but I was sure that I would be through by then. Allison is a typical 16 year old with loads of homework and texts to respond to and of course catching the last 15 minutes of some chick flick. I'm always conscientious of her time.
She's never given us a moments trouble. What issues that surface have actually been a privilege to solve. Maybe Angie and I are wiser or the reality that she's our last child at home makes us soft.  However the case we constantly think of her schedule.
I looked at the time and knew I was behind.
I said to myself, "She's going to text me soon".  A minute later my phone chirps in a text.
It said, "I'm here. "
I wrote back "Give me 5 min"

"Okie dokie" ...standard reply.
30 minutes later I emerge from the snares of TSC knowing that she has to be squirming outside and ready to jump me for taking so long.
She's parked in front of the store with all the windows down,  reclined back in her seat listening to Ray Lamontagne. 
"Trouble..... trouble trouble trouble trouble been doggin' my soul since the day I was born Worry... Worry, worry, worry,...
I pecked on the windshield "Hey".
She popes up and races the engine in her little 1.5 cylinder tin can we call "Her Car!"
I crawl in and at any minute expect to be blasted with. "What took you so long" or "when are you going to get your own ride to work" or something in that order.
She starts with, "Hey Daddy, How was work?
"Work was good." I sighed.
"How was school?"
School was wonderful. I met the HOTTEST guy in the library."
"Oh Yea. well listen, I'm sorry for being so late I....."
That's okay.
"Hey, this guy was soooooo hot!!!"
"Really? Good.  I tried to get out on time but....."
She continued with disregard for my excuse.
"That's fine." see said, going quickly back to her report.  "This guy spoke to me Daddy and asked me my name and everything and I hardly spoke back to him. He was such a gentleman. I can't believe I blew it."
As she drives off and continues in excitement with the details of boys, books and her busy day, the music is blaring at fighter jet noise levels. As my feet start pressing the imaginary brake on the passenger side, deep within, my heart begins to swell from the joys of fatherhood. What I thought was an inconvenience she saw as an opportunity. A 45 minute wait was worth it in being able to share time with Pop.
Like the man who took his son fishing. After all day with nothing to show for their efforts, the father said to his neighbor, " was terrible, we didn't even get a bite."  But the boy said to his friend, "it was GREAT, I spent all day fishing with my Dad!"
As we sped toward home she was beginning to re-tell the story about the hot guy slipping thru her fingers. When we approached the driveway I spoke again.
"What," she said screaming.
I spoke louder.
Noticing my mid-life crisis she reached and turned off the radio. I felt obliged to say thanks
She asked, "what did you say?"
"I said you will see him again." I repeated.
"How do you know that?", she asked with a wrinkle between her eyebrows.
I looked at her and smiled, "Because he would be a fool to forget you."
Grinning from my answer, "Ah Pop, I love you!"



  1. John, My Daddy was in his 50's when I had the priviledge to meet him. I was 5 years old and he married my Mother the day before my 6th birthday. I placed that man somewhere between the 1st and 2nd knukle on my little finger. He stayed there until the day he died. I was priviledged to spend many of the times you just discribed with him. He waited for me often to get out of ball games and other school or church activities. I could tell him everything and he would listen. I always took him shopping if I wanted a special dress or something because Mother would usually not let me get some things but Daddy always let me have what I wanted.
    I miss my Daddy everyday. He died 21 years ago and when I have something really important to make a decision about, I always talk to both my Daddy and my heavenly Daddy, because I know they are both looking down and guiding me. After seeing Jesus in heaven, I want to see Daddy, I know he will be waiting for me, with Jesus, at the golden gate.
    Treasure these times with your girl, because she is. She will look back at that night someday and know how very loved she was by you. You both are very blessed.


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