With Honors

The rifles fired the 21 gun salute. Just the appearance of a military honor guard draws you in as if it embodies a small slice of America's wonder. The lieutenant approached the widow
to present the banner under which he served. With authority he drew in a salute and expressed gratitude for Tom's service to his country.

I met Tom and Lori during a lengthy stay on 4G at the veterans hospital.
Walking down the hall I saw out of the corner of my eye a large gathering of family in a private room.

Louise was at her desk. She is one of our excellent nurses. Her compassion wears evident on her countenance and actions.

"What's going on in 452,"

"The patient has transferred here." She replied "He suffered a spine injury during..."
She hesitated and pulled the chart to review his medical notes.

"Here it is. They were removing a tumor in his neck and it appears that it injured his spinal cord.

"Oh , yes, I remember reading about this patient in my referrals. Fiengold is'nt it?"

"Yes," she confirmned. "The attendings notes are a little vague. The medical team discussed him in the briefing. Its a tough one chaplain."

I thanked her for the time and information. I turned and headed back to the room.

"Good morning. I'm chaplain Thomas," speaking reverently.

"Hello chaplain. I'm Lori, Tom's wife."

She shared at length the details of Tom's illness. I was impressed with the degree of confidence she had. Wife, son, sister, and mother-law were all optimistic of his recovery. I joined them in prayer for Gods intervention and healing.

I leaned in toward Tom, a handsome Marine with chiseled features,
"Tom, you keep pressing on my friend. Remember that God is good and he loves you very much."

He mustered an expression of thanks although hindered by his parlysis.

Over the course of several days I met and prayed with the family. Their faith and confidence was inspiring.
I was encouraged when I discovered days later that he showed improvements and was transferred to a regional rehabilitation hospital.
Weeks later, during staff meeting, a colleague was sharring about a family that had been at the VA last month and returned over the weekend. He and his family requested to come back here for end of life and hospice care.

He looked at me, "They have asked for you John."
With a surprised look I asked the name of the family.

"The Feingold's, Tom and Lori,"

My heart skipped.

When I entered the darkened room I was greeted with handshakes and tearful embraces by Lori and her family.

"Tom asked for you chaplain. We made the decision to come back here."
There was surrender in her tone.

I approached the Marine and what I saw was a different soldier than before. He was a shell of his former self, however, there was peace and contentment in his hollow features.
He gave me affirmation with his eyes when I touched him.

"Tom asked if you would conduct his service chaplain?" Lori asked with a hint of request in her voice.

Without hesitation I agreed.
"It will be a privilege and honor."

After a brief visit I bent towards Tom's ear and spoke to him.

"Tom, the scripture says that neither death nor life, neither principalities nor powers, neither famine, nakedness, peril, or sword, nor things present nor things to come, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Tom affirmed my words with a piercing stare and a slow bat of his eyes..... Hours later, he passed.

I reflected on these things as we followed the procession out of the military cemetery. I reviewed in my mind those final moments with Tom, the resignation of peace, rest, and faith he displayed.

I looked above and a ray of sunlight was piercing through the trees and resting upon the row after row of bleached white crosses that decorated the hillside.
It confirmed, again, the privilege I have to serve a loving God...to work alongside of angels...to give back to those who have served both God and country.

(In compliance with HIPPA, names, diagnosis, and locations have been changed)


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