It Is What It Is

Are you ready for a little bit of Thomasology? Actually this is very biblical it just ain't for street preaching (pardon the grammer).
The world is generally evil and randomly good. Christ tansforms our nature to be generally good and randomly evil.(1) When I say world I'm referring to a lost world. Those whose hearts are darkened by Satan lest the light of the gospel should shine on them.(2)
I'm not proposing that there aren't any good and decent people in the world. I'm saying that by nature we are born in sin,(3) and unless that sin nature is confronted and destroyed, it brings destruction.(4)
I hear our president say often that American people are good. This statement is utterly and completely false.  There is none good; no not one(5). The comment is understandable, given his position, but if people were "good" then why do we have goverment oversight. The largest economic meltdown of the century was due to what? Greed(6)!

This is not to be pessimistic, rather realistic and promising.
There's only one hope for the world -  Jesus Christ(7)
People will fail you and let you down my brothers and sisters. I'm sure you know that by now.
I even let myself down. I'm a failure to my own convictions! But through the washing of a new birth(8) I'm made aware of my sin and brought to a new dawn of grace.
Because of my position in Christ, sin is the exception not the rule(9).
The hope of this is that we realize, HE IS OUR HOPE(10). Our only hope. My challenge from this for all of you is to love others and yourself as Christ loved(11).  Sin and all. And to keep our eyes on Him where they belong(12).

I need Him
You need Him
The world needs Him
What on earth would we do without Him.

There are only two groups of people!
Sinners lost in sin
Sinners saved by grace

Perhaps God uses sin to drive us to our knees and create a hunger for righteousness? Didn't I read about that with that prodigal guy?(13).

(1) 1 James 4:4, 1Jn 2:15
(2) 2 Cor 4:4
(3) Ps 51:5
(4) James 1:14-15
(5) Rom 3:12
(6) 1 Tim 6:10
(7) 2 Cor 5:19, 1 Jn 2:2
(8) Tit 3:5
(9) 1 Jn 3:9
(10) Eph 2:12
(11) Jn 3:16, Lk 10:27
(12) Heb 12:2
(13) Lk 15:15-18   



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