I had Samson as a brother

Several of us scruffy headed boys would make the daily afternoon
walk home from elementary school. One spring day, for some reason or
another, all the guys started picking on me and pushing me around. My
big brother, to this day, say's I was being a sissy.

Jim has always been the perfect big brother. He's blessed with broad
shoulders and an imposing figure. If you look at him in the right kind
of light he sort of resembles.... Well, Samson, or the Hulk, if he
gets mad.

Being two years older than me I've always looked up to him. Literally.
That day was a day that I needed him really bad.
I told those ruffians that if they didn't leave me alone I was gonna
tell Jim and they would be sorry. Well, that made them pour it on all
the more.

In tears, I recall running into the house screaming for big brother. I
told him about the neighborhood boys picking on me (I might have
stretched the truth and said they called HIM a sissy).
Without hesitation he went outside and took on the whole gang. He
actually sat on top the ring leader and made him eat grass. I clearly
remember Jim's words,
"Nobody picks on my kid brother...but me".

I don't exactly know what kind of trouble King David was in but I do
know that he had many enemies.

Psalm 70 (The Message)
A David Prayer
1-3 God! Please hurry to my rescue! God, come quickly to my side!
Those who are out to get me—
let them fall all over themselves.
Those who relish my downfall—
send them down a blind alley.
Give them a taste of their own medicine,
those gossips off clucking their tongues.
4 Let those on the hunt for you
sing and celebrate.
Let all who love your saving way
say over and over, "God is mighty!"
5 But I've lost it. I'm wasted.
God—quickly, quickly!
Quick to my side, quick to my rescue!
God, don't lose a minute.

David had many big brothers but he didn't call any of them to his
rescue, he called upon God. David made mistakes just like us. The
Psalm doesn't record the reason for this disturbing episode, but it's
evident that he had a God sized problem. His only defense was a
protective God that loved him more than a brother.
David pleads with God to defend him like I did Jim.
Have you ever felt like this? That the whole world is against you?
Psalm 70 reads like an S. O. S. signal. As I mentioned, David was no
saint. He had to daily rely on Gods grace to overcome his sin, hang-
ups, and enemies.

God didn't set on top of David's enemis and make them eat grass but He
did tell him to sit as His right hand and He would make his enemies
His footstool.

Like a mother hen guards her chicks, God WILL come to your defense.
Trust me...I know... because blood runs thicker than water!
Nobody messes with his kids... but Him!



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