No falling allowed. Only leaping

What is child like faith? My grandaughter Alora will soon be able to
explain it very well. She's only 4 hours old but when she's old
enough I can't wait to play "catch me Papa". Jumping off the kitchen
bar or the den furniture into my arms will be an important trust
building exercise.

Holding her today brought to mind that same pleasure I had with her
mother in what seems like only yesterday.
As a proud father and now grandfather, nothing, I mean nothing would
prevent me from catching my baby.

Children are fearless because of the trust and love that's been
developed. Without hesitation Hailey knew as Alora will learn that I
will catch them. A train could run through the house - but I would not
miss !!!

There's no better symbolism to demonstrates faith in our heavenly

God isn't compelling you or me to leap off a cliff promising to catch
us. However, our walk with Christ can sometimes lead us to believe
we've done just that.
When we face a spiritual precipice, fear can grip our hearts.
We may ask ourselves the question; "Maybe I misunderstood. Did God
really tell me to do this?"

Faith is: leaping off the platform of mediocrity into the arms of God.

You know He led you to the edge. Are you now willing to take the leap?
Without hesitation, child like faith says there's no way in heaven
God will miss me! God wants your faith. It's critical to spiritual maturity and pleasing
to God.

Hebrews 11:6 (The Message)
It's impossible to please God apart from faith. And why? Because
anyone who wants to approach God must believe both that he exists and
that he cares enough to respond to those who seek him.

It's an exercise you must achieve. It's between you and your heavenly
father. There's not anything above or below that would snatch you
from his grasp! But you must leap.
To have something you've never had before, you need to do something
you've never done before.            Perhaps it's time...
                                                                            ... to leap!



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