Some Kind Of Wonderful

Three weeks ago a request came to the chaplains office that Dr. Dunn, an attending physician at the VA, wanted a chaplain to join his medical team. Dr. Dunn has traveled across the world doing medical missions. Working alongside missionaries and pastors they met physical needs and then turned to address spiritual needs. His desire and prayer is that this holistic healing approach could be brought to the VA level. This pilot program would involve a chaplain on the medical team as a key component. Physical and spiritual needs would be addressed simultaneously. God in his wisdom allowed me to join Dr. Dunn for this awesome opportunity. After daily morning briefings on the patients we began making rounds on the floor. The resident doctors, Dr. Dunn, and I would gather around the patient and discuss treatment plans. The doctors would introduce me as the VA chaplain and with the involvement of Dr. Dunn we would inquire about their spiritual needs or questions. In many...